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What Material Is The Mold for Pressing Tungsten Carbide?

Views: 3     Author: Zhuzhou Jinding Cemented Carbide Co., Ltd     Publish Time: 2024-05-08      Origin: Site

The mold (or die) used for pressing hard alloys, such as cemented carbides or tungsten carbide (WC) powders, is commonly made from hard and durable materials that can withstand the pressure and temperature involved in the powder compaction process. The material chosen for the mold depends on various factors, including the specific properties required for the process. Here are some materials commonly used for making molds for pressing hard alloys:

1. Tool Steel:

Tool steels, such as D2 or A2, are often used for making molds for hard alloy pressing. Tool steels are known for their high hardness, wear resistance, and strength. They can maintain their structural integrity under the high pressures exerted during the compaction process.

2. Tungsten Carbide (WC):

In some cases, tungsten carbide itself is used to make molds for pressing hard alloys. Tungsten carbide molds can withstand the high temperatures and pressures involved in the compaction process. However, using tungsten carbide for molds can be more expensive than other materials.

3. Cobalt-Chromium Alloys:

Alloys containing cobalt and chromium, such as Stellite, are known for their wear resistance and high-temperature strength. These alloys can be suitable for making molds that come into contact with hard alloy powders during pressing.

4. Titanium Alloys:

Some titanium alloys, known for their high strength and corrosion resistance, may be used for making molds for hard alloy pressing. Titanium has the advantage of being lightweight and having good resistance to certain chemicals.

5. Hardened Stainless Steel:

Certain types of stainless steel, particularly those that are hardened or heat-treated, may be used for making molds. Stainless steel offers corrosion resistance and can withstand the mechanical stresses involved in the compaction process.

6. Carbide Coated Molds:

In some cases, molds made from conventional materials like tool steel may be coated with a layer of hard and wear-resistant material, such as tungsten carbide (WC-Co). This coating enhances the wear resistance of the mold.

The choice of mold material depends on factors like the specific requirements of the pressing process, cost considerations, and the desired properties of the finished hard alloy product. The mold must be able to withstand the pressure applied during compaction, maintain its shape, and resist wear caused by the abrasive nature of the hard alloy powders. Additionally, the mold material should have good thermal stability to withstand the high temperatures generated during the pressing operation.

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