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Create a national important advanced cemented carbide material manufacturing highland

Views: 14     Author: Zhuzhou Jinding Cemented Carbide Co., Ltd     Publish Time: 2021-03-19      Origin: Zhuzhou Evening News

News from our newspaper (Luo Xin, reporter of Zhuzhou Evening News) Cemented carbide is called "modern industrial teeth". As the birthplace of the new China's cemented carbide industry, Zhuzhou's cemented carbide industry ranks first in Asia. To make the cemented carbide industry more "hard", during the Fourth Session of the 13th National People's Congress, the representative of the National People's Congress in Zhuzhou, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, and mayor Yang Weiguo submitted suggestions and delegation speeches for Zhuzhou cemented carbide materials industry Development voice calls for support for Zhuzhou to build an important national advanced cemented carbide material manufacturing highland.

"Manufacturing is the foundation of Zhuzhou's city, and it is also the key to Zhuzhou's future victory." Yang Weiguo said that in recent years, the construction of Zhuzhou's advanced cemented carbide material industrial cluster has accelerated significantly, and a collection of raw material preparation and equipment has been formed. A whole industry chain integrating manufacturing, supporting tools and after-sales service.

Zhuzhou cemented carbide industry has always been "hard". As evidenced by a set of data: Zhuzhou has gathered 240 manufacturing companies represented by Zhuhai Hard Group, has a number of innovation platforms such as national key laboratories, national material analysis and testing centers, more than 30 academicians and experts of the Academy of Engineering, and engineering More than 3,000 technical personnel. Last year, Zhuzhou cemented carbide material cluster had a total sales of nearly 20 billion yuan, a domestic market share of 40%, and exports accounted for 36% of the entire industry.

Yang Weiguo said that although Zhuzhou's cemented carbide material industry has a good foundation and has achieved certain results, the industrial development still has problems such as insufficient structure, insufficient development of various links in the industrial chain, and insufficient industrial investment and financing channels. Provide strong support at the national level. It is recommended that relevant national ministries and commissions support Zhuzhou to declare it as a national advanced manufacturing cluster, and the National New Materials Industry Development Fund will increase investment in leading domestic advanced hard materials companies and support enterprises to grow bigger and stronger. In the next step, Zhuzhou will take the "Industrial Project Construction Year" and "Business Environment Optimization Year" activities as the starting point to speed up chain strengthening, chain replenishment and chain extension, and strive to provide all-round and high-quality cemented carbide enterprises in the entire industrial chain. Service and accelerate the high-quality development of the industry.

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